Progress indicators 進度條
Model info
Model size is: 37.58x22.58x14.80mm 模型大小
Total filament used: 995.44mm 消耗材料長度
Estimated print time: 0:19:59 初估列印時間
Estimated layer height: 0.20mm 層高
Layer count: 75printed, 78visited
Layer Info
Layer number: 1 第1層
Layer height (mm): 0.5 該層高度
GCODE commands in layer: 296 該層G碼行數
Filament used by layer (mm): 15.93 該層消耗材料長度
Print time for layer: 15.7sec 該層初估列印時間
Extrude speeds: 列印速度
= 20.00mm/s
= 60.00mm/s
Move speeds: 空跑速度
= 100.00mm/s
= 3.00mm/s
Retract speeds: 回抽速度
● ● = 15.00mm/s
2D Render options
Show non-extrusion moves 顯示空跑路徑
Show retracts and restarts 顯示擠出及回抽點
Move model to the center of the grid 將模型放置正中央
Show different speeds with different colors 以不同顏色顯示不同速度
Emulate extrusion width 模擬擠壓寬度
Width modifier: 寬度修正
Show +1 layer 永遠顯示第一層
GCode analyzer options
These require re-analyzing file:
Sort layers by Z
Hide empty layers
Show GCode in GCode tab (memory intensive!)